This novel is the first of a crime series set in Scarborough. The main character is DC Donna Morris, a woman with a lot on her plate. Not only is Donna starting a new job in a new town, she is living away from her husband and seems conflicted about whether this is a good thing or bad. She is older than most of her colleagues and is experiencing the menopause. Her daughter is in prison (in the fictional HMP North Yorkshire) and this is why Donna has chosen to move to Scarborough, to undertake part of her probationary period as Detective Constable. There would be enough to explore here without a complex murder mystery to solve, but we get one of those too; a former GCHQ employee is found dead in the woods and there are several avenues of enquiry to explore, each very different and involving characters from a wide range of backgrounds, but all from Scarborough! Having a female main character immediately sets this crime novel apart from so many others, but the writing style differentiates ...
Scarborough in Fiction / Fiction from Scarborough